Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses.
Hong Fook provides primary care and mental health services covering from “promoting wellness” to “managing illness” in Asian communities.
MOSAIC is a settlement non-profit organization in Canada that serves immigrant, refugee, migrant and mainstream communities in BC.
ISSofBC provides free immigrant services including settlement support, employment programs, English classes, and more.
The Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry is a network devoted to research, training and consultation in social and cultural psychiatry.
The CMWAC is a registered non-profit charitable organization that connects those with mental illness to counselling services, education and training.
VAST works with refugees from over 100 countries and supports the mental health of refugees who arrive in British Columbia.
A nonprofit, interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, clinical care & education in cultural aspects of mental health & illness.
The Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre for parents and youth has numerous materials in a range of languages.